Scientific consulting

specialized in bio-optical oceanography

Carina Poulin, Ph. D.

Carina Poulin, Ph. D.

Bio-optical oceanographer

Need professional input for your research projects?

I can help.

Whether you need someone to teach your new trainee about laboratory work, or you have a previously abandoned dataset that needs to be analyzed and published, I can lend my 10+ years of experience in bio-optical oceanography.

I can assist with:

Ocean Science Work
  • Laboratory set-up 🧪
  • Training people 🧑‍🔬
  • Project management 📆
  • Data analysis 📊
  • Writing/Editing articles 💻
  • Support with grant proposals 📑
Science Communication
  • Preparing presentations / Organizing conferences 🪧
  • Science communication coaching 👏
  • Creating outreach material 🌱
  • Building websites 🧑‍💻
  • Photography 📸
  • Translating (French/English) 🌎

Do you have a problem that needs a creative solution? Let’s discuss!


Phytoplankton Culturing
Ocean Optics
Data Analysis
Scientific Writing
Science Communication
Creative Thinking

Recent Publications

(2022). Observing bioluminescence first flash kinetics of dinoflagellate individual cells using a low-shear stress millifluidics approach. OSM 2022.

(2013). The impact of light pollution on diel changes in the photophysiology of Microcystis aeruginosa. JPR.



Florida Atlantic University - Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Postdoctoral Fellow
Bioluminescence response
Aug 2020 – Mar 2022 Florida

Responsibilities include:

  • Studying response to stimuli and optical properties of bioluminescent plankton
  • Working within a project funded by the Office of Naval research, with a multidisciplinary team
  • Literature review, experimental research and data analysis
  • Mentoring a Master’s Degree student
University of Southern Mississippi - Stennis Space Center
Postdoctoral Research Associate / Lab manager
Ocean particle scattering
Apr 2019 – Apr 2020 Mississippi

Responsibilities include:

  • Establishing and maintaining a new ocean optics laboratory
  • Creating a method for a new instrument in the field (3D Cell Explorer)
  • Devising experiments, analyzing data, preparing equipment for North-Atlantic cruise (part of NASA EXPORTS)
  • Supervising a laboratory technician
Université de Sherbrooke
Research Professionnal - Communications
Jan 2019 – Apr 2019 Quebec

Responsibilities include:

  • Helping researchers on their funding proposals
  • Devising a plan to improve social cohesion of the group
  • Rebuilding website
  • Organizing invited conferences
Université de Sherbrooke
Ph. D. - Remote sensing
Diel variations of the optical properties of phytoplankton
Sep 2013 – Jul 2018 Quebec

Responsibilities include:

  • Designing and conducting laboratory experiments
  • Working in a multidisciplinary team
  • Using the results of the experiments in optical models
  • Supervising interns, training students and new lab employees
Time Passport Inc.
CEO - Co-Founder
Jan 2015 – Mar 2019 Quebec

One of 20 startups in the world selected for UNESCO’s Heritage Lab 2018
Winner of multiple business pitching competitions
Responsibilities include:

  • Managing a multidisciplinary team of 5 to 6 people
  • Producing of a demo application (Seven Wonders AR)
  • Partnering with Ancient History Encyclopedia for historical content
  • Producting of a functional prototype of a geolocated augmented reality
  • Participating in business incubator programs
Université de Sherbrooke
M. Env. - Research
The impact of light pollution on the ecophysiology of cyanobacteria
Apr 2009 – Dec 2012 Quebec

Responsibilities include:

  • Designing and conducting laboratory experiments
  • Developing an automated culture chamber with a multidisciplinary team

Graphic Design Portfolio

3D Modeling and Augmented Reality

Contact me

I’m always happy to discuss your ideas